Name: Diana Clark
Age: 18
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: hazel
Height: 150cm
Weight: now really, that's not something you ask a girl :P
Orientation: bisexual
Faith: wiccan
Status: procrastinator

Interests: anime, manga, fantasy, egyptology, ocult, roleplaying, writing, girls, food, sleep
Likes: company of friends, swimming, thunderstorms (the really loud ones)
Dislikes: deadlines

Favorite food: too many, cheeseckake, jello fruit cups, fudge browny sundaes, meatlovers pizza
                        crab salad and all kinds of sea food, asian food, sushi....and the list goes on
Least favorite food: oatmeal, pumpkin anything, peanut butter anything, cooked carrots, zukini
Favourite colors: red, black, indigo, violet
Least favourite colors: yellow and brown

Favourite singer: Marilyn Manson
Favourite chocolate: Lindor

Passtime: roleplaying, the yahoo-groups or messenger type word roleplaying (no big online D&D
               type RPs. Always up for RPing with people by the way, just buzz me on YM)

Animals: I have a cat (Nen, aka the spawn of the devil)
Hobby: photograply
What I want for Yule: a tablet so I can make prettier art

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